The Long Way Home

27 Jul

*note from author: I debated long and hard if I should post this or not. If you choose to read on, you´ll see it is pretty graphic. X rated, even. A part from a few details in setting, the story is fiction despite the opening line. I really want to make that clear. The exercise was to write a fist person, raunchy story. With that said, reader discretion is advised.


The following story is factually true. Take into consideration it is being told through the distorted lens of a drunken teenage boy. Seventeen years already has history distorting powers. Let´s take into consideration the alcoholic soup the story swims in. Reader discretion advised. Enjoy.

It started off as a typical Friday night. Warm ups included whatever was the cheapest thirty pack of beer the store had to offer and taking turns on the gravity bong. The gravity bong for the uninitiated is simply the most ridiculous homemade device for smoking marijuana. Google it. Ours was a one gallon milk jug in a bucket of water. The same bucket we used to clean the house. Who am I kidding, the house never got cleaned.

We were good and wrecked when somebody suggested we go to frat row in down town New Brunswick, New Jersey to “get fucked up”. We were all attending an educational establishment too embarrassing to mention here, so we piggy backed the party scene at Rutgers University. We decided I was not sober enough to drive so someone else, who was probably equally inebriated but could hide it better, did.

At this stage of my life, Friday and Saturday nights had two purposes. Get wasted on whatever I could get my hands and cumming. The former happened regularly, the latter, at least at the hands of others, not so much. We got to the party and I set my internal radar on drugs, alcohol and any girl with self esteem low enough to touch me. On this fortunate night, I scored on all three fronts.

As I said, full recollection of this story is impossible but some things are still clear. The girl I struck up a conversation with was blond, so skinny she could elicit pity and had awful teeth. I remember the teeth because this is a pet peeve of mine, but I was talking and she was listening so I looked away. I remember playing a few rounds of beer pong when she suggested we find somewhere a little more private to enjoy each other´s company.

The Rutgers frat houses are strange structures. They are the old mansions of Johnson and Johnson executives from a century gone by. They are full of little hidden hallways, staircases and rooms that are hard to imagine what purpose they once served. We found an unoccupied room that only fit a bunk bed. You had to contort you body just to get into the thing. Bingo! We found our love nest.

We started making out and I managed to get her clothes off. She was too drunk to get mine off so I was obliged to help. I don´t remember much from this passionate encounter but I remember a few things. First, we did not have sex. As you will see, it would have better if we had because I would have been able to break her evil spell, get away from her and the rest of the night would not have gone down the way it did. We were then interrupted by a chubby fellow and told to leave the ex slave´s quarters immediately.

I pretended to like her for a few more hours with the hopes that she would make that sneezey feeling in my crotch that seemed to be the focus of my life. The party was winding down and I noticed my ride had left. She offered her place to crash. What a coincidence. I wish I could give more details of what happened next but I really don´t remember.

I do doubt we had intercourse because no black out is stronger than an orgasm. No matter how drunk or high I was, I remember them all and file them to be later used in search of manual relief. When I refer to this night in my mind, a message comes up “file empty”. But the story does not end here.

I woke up in a strange place. I was cold. In fact I was shivering. I pulled the covers over my shoulders. Colder yet. What gives. I looked around. I was clearly in a girl´s room but there was no girl. I put my hand down on the mattress. I realized what had happened. Exactly what I feared most as a twelve year old when I slept over at friend´s houses had happened. I made water in her bed, Miss Daisy. It was a gusher too. Everything was wet. My mind raced despite the pounding headache. I thought about gathering my things and jumping out the window. We were on the third story.

I did what any honorable man in my position would do. I pulled my jeans over my pissed in underwear, put the rest of my clothes on and went down stairs. She didn´t even look up from the television. This I remember as if it were yesterday. I told it was fun and it was nice to have met her. I even remembered my manners and told her she had a lovely home despite the fact it looked like a future hoarders episode. It was a few years away from that but that´s ok because the show hadn´t been invented yet. Like the gentlemen I was, I offered my phone number. She told me to write it on the dry erase board on the fridge. It had the grocery list and I felt bad about erasing it so I left it alone.

This was an age before cell phones. I had no cash for a cab and not even the bus. I was a good five miles from where I lived. Talk about walk of shame? This was the Bataan Death March of shame. I put my head down low and took that walk. I threw up a few times along the way but I made it. I was greeted with a round of high fives. I regaled them with my tale and I was awarded the “green hit” from the gravity bong for my troubles.

11 Responses to “The Long Way Home”

  1. Priceless Joy July 27, 2015 at 5:21 pm #

    LOL! I enjoyed the story. I can imagine that would be a 5 mile walk of shame.

    • Ryan July 27, 2015 at 5:23 pm #

      I´m not gonna lie. I know you read all my stories and I thought of you before posting! lol It´s pretty raunchy. I´m glad you laughed because it was supposed to be humorous. Thanks as always!

      • Priceless Joy July 27, 2015 at 5:34 pm #

        It was humorous! A little raunchy but bearable. 😀

      • Ryan July 27, 2015 at 5:42 pm #

        Good! I didn´t want to lose one of the two people who actually read this stuff. LOL 🙂

      • Priceless Joy July 27, 2015 at 5:48 pm #

        Hahaha! There are probably more! Some people like to be “unknown.”

  2. Bruce Goodman July 27, 2015 at 6:49 pm #

    I loved it Ryan. A five mile walk is nothing, but in wet underwear…. LOL! The whole story took me back… no it didn’t…. no it didn’t…. it’s just fiction!!!

    • Ryan July 27, 2015 at 7:05 pm #

      Hahahahauahahauahauahaha! 😉

  3. Eric Tonningsen September 30, 2018 at 10:12 pm #

    So are you genuinely aware of New Brunswick, Rutgers and its old frat houses? We may have more in common than mutually following one another’s blogs. I have read much more raunchy. Still, your opening disclaimer was prudent. And the story, relatable. 🤫

    • Ryan October 2, 2018 at 12:56 pm #

      Thanks for reading! I went to Rutgers! At least, I paid them a lot of money and I lived close to the campus… :p

  4. Eric Tonningsen October 7, 2018 at 4:33 pm #

    Came very close to attending Rutgers (its College of Pharmacy). Ended up at Fairleigh Dickinson after a nightmare stint at Temple. Curious then… are you a NJ native or from a nearby state. Frat boy? 🙂

    • Ryan October 10, 2018 at 6:53 pm #

      I am from the suburbs of Philly and I was not a frat boy though I did attend some of their gatherings where liquid refreshments were well served and morals were well tamped down!

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